Bio Masha Anna Kovacs
Masha Anna Kovacs, MA.
Feldenkrais®-Ausbildung (2014-18, Educational Director Paul Newton & Mara Fusero) - Instituto Feldenkrais
- Funktionale Integration (Einzelarbeit)
- Bewußtheit durch Bewegung (Kurse)
Fortbildungen Feldenkrais:
- Seminare mit Larry Goldfarb, Mara Fusero, David Zemach-Bersin, Yona Postel, Olena Nitefor
- 4-jährige Fortbildung mit Russell Delman – Embodied Life
- fortlaufende Studiengruppe mit dem Feldenkrais Verband
Aus- und Fortbildungen generell:- Sportkletterlehrerin, Mitglied des Tiroler Bergsportführerverbandes. 25 Jahre Klettererfahrung und aktive Tourenfürherin für das Alpenverein Innsbruck (Übungsleiterin Skitouren, Skihochtouren, Sportklettern und zZ Alpinklettern-Instruktorin iA).
- Diplom. Resilienz-und Stressmanagement – Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
- Possibility Management Coach
- TRE – Tension and Trauma Release Exercise. Training mit David Bercelli und Lynea Gillen
- Yoga Ausbildungen – Yoga Alliance certified, seit 2013 in Frankreich, Spanien, Deutschland, Indien. Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore, KPJAYI
- MBA - Master in Business Administration and Sustainability – Universität Hamburg
English: Masha is a yogi, Feldenkrais and TRE practitioner, rock climbing teacher and nature lover currently residing in Innsbruck, Austria. She brings 25 years of climbing experience and is an active tour guide and climbing teacher for the Alpine Club Innsbruck. She teaches her unique and transformative classes and retreats across Europe and was part of the Sivananda Yoga team in Teacher Training Courses in France and India. Between 2016-2017 she studied Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore, at the K.Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute.
Masha’s teaching offers a heart-opening, invigorating and experiential practice, grounded with a focus on both physical and energetic alignment. Yoga, when practiced with this holistic awareness becomes fluid movement therapy.
Her own practice and therefore teaching encompasses Asana, Pranayama, Relaxation, healthy diet, positive thinking & Meditation.
Before becoming a certified yoga teacher in 2013, Masha worked as an athlete manager for The North Face in Switzerland. She has been a student of yoga and Vipassana meditation since 2009.
Masha is a certified Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement teacher and is she helped organise the Feldenkrais Teacher Training in Portugal.
She is continuously seeking to fine-tune her knowledge of anatomy, alignment and the mind-body connection.
Masha speaks 9 languages almost fluently and enjoys teaching in multiple languages.
The Feldenkrais Method was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais, physicist, engineer, judo master and student of human development. It utilizes gentle movement and awareness to tap into the nervous system’s innate ability to learn. While it is sought out primarily by people wanting to move out of pain or improve their movement, the Feldenkrais Method offers a comprehensive practice to develop a more flexible mind and more functional BEHAVIOR.
There are 2 formats:
Functional Integration - Similar to a massage, working 1-on-1 with a teacher is the best way to address specific or long-term problems. The neuromuscular reorganization possible through these hands-on, personalized lessons helps you learn to move and act in easier and more efficient ways. Most people feel they gain a better posture and more freedom and ease to move and be.
Awareness Through Movement - group classes that offer a context for self-directed learning. Our physical experiences, lifestyle, personality, and reactions to stress contribute to learned muscular patterns that are unique to each of us. Unfortunately, sometimes our habitual ways of moving, thinking, sensing and feeling can limit our self-expression or cause discomfort and even damage. Each lesson utilizes gentle movements to retrain your brain. In time, this type of learning can help you to accurately sense yourself in motion and eliminate compulsive and dysfunctional effort.
Regular classes running on Monday evenings online
- go to
Classes for the full info.
Feldenkrais Functional Integration |
For more general information about Feldenkrais, a list of resources and free downloads go to Instituto Feldenkrais.